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Sanne de Vries

Sanne de Vries

Designer and maker, based in Amsterdam. Currently designing software for publishers at Ghost.

Canvas chaos

Canvas chaos

February 08, 2025

Last week I designed a feature image for a Ghost changelog post to announce a new feature. Here's a behind-the-scenes look at the starting and ending point in a single Figma file.

While I think I have a structured mind, my Figma files are messy. Each canvas is a direct reflection of my thought process — a digital piece of paper where I can explore without constraints.

Exploring card previews

Exploring card previews

February 04, 2025

Ghost's editor cards are the building blocks for different types of content — like images and videos, but also more complex ones.

From conversations with publishers, we know that their purpose isn’t always clear. Exploring whether a Notion-inspired hover preview would help.

Unfiltered 2025

February 03, 2025

As social media has become more curated and everything we share more polished, we don’t talk enough about what goes on behind the scenes. This is especially true for designers.

So, here's to a new year of sharing unfiltered work in progress!